Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Is this edited 300 work out alright or a little too harsh?

Pull ups - 25

Push ups - 50

24 inch box jumps - 50

Sit ups - 50

Squats - 50

Pull ups - 25

(All done in order)

Is this 300 (movie) workout suitable or too harsh for a 13 year old male? Is this edited 300 work out alright or a little too harsh?
if you can do all that bravo, but if you cant start by doing smothing smaller like 5 pushups and 5 pullupsIs this edited 300 work out alright or a little too harsh?
Its not too bad I think unless you are unfit or just not used to exercising like that. Its probably best if you start off by doing half of what you have there and see how that goes and build up day by day until you can do all of it. If you find half of it easy then do more :)
Can you do 25 pull-ups? I think this workout is not a good idea at your age. Why not participate in some kind of sport instead? You'll get fit, toned and have fun with your friends. You'll also be building a good foundation for your body with which to work on in future.

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