Saturday, December 5, 2009

Does really work this?for low fat tummy not too much but?

ok every body say that cardio is good even for low fat tummy , but how much time do I need run and how many day a week? usually I run 30 minutes at day 5 time a week , is good this time? and also I do sit up and crunch 25 each , and 30 minutes 3 times a week of weight lift whit a bouflex is that enough? for my problem?Does really work this?for low fat tummy not too much but?
You cannot spot reduce, you need to lose fat all over. Really you need to get active and healthier, diet and exercise. The best exercise isn't cardio by itself, and the diet to follow is not any fad diet but the healthiest for good nutrition. Here's my plan.

Weight loss is all about this equation: energy taken in-energy used (energy for maintaining weight+energy burned in activity)

The basic equation to approximate maintenance needs is:

Maintenance=body weight in poundsx12

This is an estimate, and you may gain/lose according to difference in metabolism/activity level, weight you have to lose, genetic factors.

Conversion of weights: 300lbs:136kg:21stone or 1stone=14lbs, 1kg=2.2lbs

If you follow the maintenance and still gain/lose adjust by 250-500cals, monitoring weight after a week for reliability. Once you have a reasonable estimate, you want to lose weight healthily, otherwise, besides compromising health, your body realises what鈥檚 happening and thinks it鈥檚 being starved to death and will resist your efforts by slowing metabolism. When you do eat, it will then use this opportunity to regain as much fat as possible, perhaps more than before. It鈥檚 also important to realise most weight loss in the first week is mainly water, which easily comes back when eating normalises, as water is stored in the body with energy stores.

The guideline for healthy loss, is 1-2lbs a week. This correlates to 3500-7000cals per week, or 500-1000cals less per day than maintenance.

Example: 200lbs person, maintenance= 200x12=2400cals a day

2lbs loss a week=7000cals a week or 1000cals less a day

2400-1000= 1400cals a day produces 2lbs a week loss.

When weight loss stops, you can increase activity and/or decrease cals further by 250-500cals per day.

Diet wise, fruits, veg, grains, brown bread and wholewheat pasta, good fats from extra virgin olive oil, oily fish like salmon, mackerel,fresh not tinned tuna, kippers. Lean sources protein like skinless poultry,lean cuts red meat, eggs, skim milk. At least 2litres or 8pints of water daily is recommended, more if exercising/in hot weather. You鈥檒l need to look at everything you eat, not just the writing advertising the product, but the real information they hide on the back with the calories,carbs,protein,fat and salt. Eventually, you鈥檒l get an idea for the energy in foods, and you won鈥檛 always need to check. One thing to watch out for considering salt intake should be under5g, 1g sodium is 3-4g salt. Most of us eat 6-15g or more salt a day, the only way to cut this enough is to stop eating the premade, prepackaged ready meals and sauces.

Exercise wise, gym training with weights is very beneficial bringing many more health improvements beyond cardio. Resistance training means you don鈥檛 just shrink from a pear/apple shape to a smaller pear/apple, but you actually shape your body at the same time. You won鈥檛 bulk up or become huge, the freaks you see take drugs and have done it for decades. Men have the advantage of testosterone but they still have to work for it, women build muscle much less because they have much smaller amounts of testosterone (except for the ones taking drugs). Resistance training strengthens immune system, boosts metabolism better than cardio (3days vs 30mins-1hr), boosts metabolism longterm and while asleep due to better active tissue in the body, improves circulation, lowers blood pressure, improves digestion, and the list goes on. Cardio is also fine every now and then. Running/jogging on a treadmill is the quickest and easiest way to burn energy as you use bodyweight for resistance, and the treadmill is better on the knees than the ground. I recommend joining a website forum for fitness/training/bodybuilding/powerlifti鈥?you don鈥檛 need to be or want to be a bodybuilder/powerlifter or a pro althlete, but you will need to follow similar diets and exercise plans to achieve good results, and the members have years of experience, offering great advice with nutrition plans and exercise routines. Aim your goals high and you鈥檒l achieve the results you鈥檙e after that much sooner.Does really work this?for low fat tummy not too much but?
Targetted weight loss is quite hard, some peeple would say impossible, however the sole diet which clearly showed results for me is wu-yi tea, it can be viewed in the resource box below, they have a small number of free trials left, it was featured in Fox News and CNN. I lost twenty five pounds, it clearly does work!
yeah, it sounds like you are healthy and this should make a difference in time =] x
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